Is a reality TV show about the heroes who rescue horses, overcoming insurmountable challenges that are ever present in rescuing these large animals and finding loving homes for them.
Horse Rescue Heroes
A Full Circle of Life Horse Shelter helps horses in every stage of life regardless of their age, behavior, training, or medical problems. Having compassion for all horses, no matter what stage of life they are in, is extremely important. We help all horses in need - no matter what stage of life they are in. Now we are inspiring other organizations to do the same. Most horse rescue organizations focus on a particular stage of a horse's life, the most adoptable stage. That philosophy leaves many horses with no place to go and no help or resources for them: simply because they are in the wrong stage of life. The Full Circle of Life grant and mentoring will help the winning organization pilot this philosophy for 6 months and the journey will be filmed for Season 3 of the reality TV show Horse Rescue Heroes.

Season 3
Season 3 follows hosts Tawnee and Jason Preisner, founders of Horse Plus Humane Society, as they journey to 4 organizations across the United States. Florida, Arizona, New Hampshire, and Nevada all came together for an intense week of Horse Rescue Bootcamp. Will they become Full Circle of Life Horse Shelters, and help fulfill the dream of having an Open Admission Shelter within a day's drive of every horse in the United States become a reality?
Season 2
In Season 2 of Horse Rescue Heroes, hosts Tawnee and Jason Preisner travel to two unique organizations in Colorado. Both organizations are in the heart of cowboy country, and they both need mentoring and financial support, but only 1 can win the $10,000 grant and 6 months of mentoring.
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Season 1
Horse Rescue Heroes Season 1 is an 8 episode reality TV show about the heroes who rescue abused, neglect and slaughter bound horses, overcoming insurmountable challenges that are ever-present in rescuing these large animals and finding loving homes for them. Tawnee Preisner and actress Payton Christian co-host this exciting show, which features Ponytales Horse Refuge and Rehab in Wisconsin. They went from being on the verge of shutting down to being the largest horse welfare organization in Wisconsin!
Every Horse Needs Love!
"We don't get to choose the people in our lives, for us it's all chance."
~ Black Beauty
Horses are beautiful and majestic animals, it breaks my heart to see so many mistreated, neglected and just thrown away. My organization is very successful and has rescued thousands of horses. I'm excited to share my knowledge with another organization and I hope it will help them to save even more horses in need. ~ Tawnee Preisner